1. The logo consists of two overlapping circles, which delivers a sensation of integral circulation and forms an infinity symbol "∞", symbolizing the merger and reorganization of former Yankuang Group and former Shandong Energy Group as well as a future of infinite glory to be created through synergy.
2. The arcs, which are overlapped parts of the two circles, are 117°, which is precisely the longitude of the geographical center of Jinan, signifying SDE bases itself in Shandong Province and develops with global horizons; the overlapping part of the two circles further evolves into an "S" shape, which is the initial letter of Shandong Energy Group, creating a strong correlation between Company Logo and Company Name.
3. The tweak of the upper and lower arcs of "S" not only evolves into the symbol of lightning, symbolizing the nature of energy industry, but also strengthens mutual-embedding of the two nearby circles, which denotes all-round integration of the two former companies. It can even be further interpreted as the fusion, inheritance and development of traditional energy and new energy, old growth drivers and new ones, domestic and international circulations, carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, two-wheels driving, as well as traditional and emerging industries.
4. The graph as a whole is composed of two equal-sized circles with strong stability, manifesting steady and sound development of the Company and the hefty mission undertaken by Shandong Energy Group acting as a critical player in the domestic and global energy system to guarantee energy supply. The "S" in the middle is highly dynamic, showing that the Company pursues innovative development while maintaining general stability in the future.
5. The palette of the logo uses three colors, i.e. orange red, blue and green. Specifically, sunshine orange red stands for limitless energy and the SOE’s mission; deep-sea blue signals innovative development, leading technology and global vision; natural green embodies green energy and sustainable development. It is worth mentioning that the palette is inherited from the logos of the former Yankuang Group and the former Shandong Energy Group.