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Shandong Energy Group (“the Group”) has successively built a number of demonstration coal mines for safe and efficient production, with each coal mine of annual production 10 million tons and one thousand employees, namely Jinjitan, Zhuanlongwan, Shilawusu, Yingpanhao, Yili No. 1. In addition, a number of safe and efficient mines of 5 million tons each has been built, such as Yili No.4, Luxin and Shuangxin. Thus the Group’s annual coal production is up to 280 million tons currently. Shandong Energy is at the forefront of the industry in terms of big cutting height, fully-mechanized top coal caving mining, coal gasification, coal liquefaction, and intelligent construction. International large-scale coal energy base project won the National Quality Award for Excellence Project.

The National Coal Mine Intelligent Construction Meeting was successfully held in Shandong Energy Group. At which, the world's first high-reliability 5G private network system for mining was successfully released. The first national-level coal industry internet innovation center was established, which has led the fourth technological revolution in the coal industry. Shandong Energy has accelerated the construction of a number of "four-type mines", namely safe, green, intelligent and efficient. By practicing the concept of "technology research and development and reducing employment to achieve safe production", the Group plans to fully build intelligent coal mines during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period.



Shandong Energy Group (“the Group”) has successively built a number of demonstration coal mines for safe and efficient production, with each coal mine of annual production 10 million tons and one thousand employees, namely Jinjitan, Zhuanlongwan, Shilawusu, Yingpanhao, Yili No. 1. In addition, a number of safe and efficient mines of 5 million tons each has been built, such as Yili No.4, Luxin and Shuangxin. Thus the Group’s annual coal production is up to 280 million tons currently. Shandong Energy is at the forefront of the industry in terms of big cutting height, fully-mechanized top coal caving mining, coal gasification, coal liquefaction, and intelligent construction. International large-scale coal energy base project won the National Quality Award for Excellence Project.

The National Coal Mine Intelligent Construction Meeting was successfully held in Shandong Energy Group. At which, the world's first high-reliability 5G private network system for mining was successfully released. The first national-level coal industry internet innovation center was established, which has led the fourth technological revolution in the coal industry. Shandong Energy has accelerated the construction of a number of "four-type mines", namely safe, green, intelligent and efficient. By practicing the concept of "technology research and development and reducing employment to achieve safe production", the Group plans to fully build intelligent coal mines during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period.

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